The Royal Belgian Astrophilatelic Society Cosmos

Sports hall De Hekers

Ter Linden 29
9052 Gent (Zwijnaarde) - Belgium

Our Cosmos meetings are planned on the following dates

SAT 25 MAY 2024

SAT 15 JUNE 2024

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We are adepts of spaceflight and collect space stamps and space covers from launch sites all over the world as the United States, the Union of Soviet States, Europe, China, India, Japan, … and on space events.

We organize lectures and slide shows on space stamps, covers and space collecting. We exhibit in regional, national and international exhibitions.

Our quarterly magazine Cosmos Express is sent to astrophilatelists worldwide. We cooperate with astrophilatelic societies worldwide and exchange informations and magazines between the clubs.

  • Honouring Belgian astronaut Frank De Winne at Destelbergen - 2009

  • Looking at a new exhibit during our meeting

  • On a meeting with Belgian astronaut Dirk Frimout - 2003

The Belgian Astrophilatelic Society BFV Cosmos has monthly meetings in Gent/Belgium. We discus astrophilatelic news, news about exhibitions worldwide and news about spaceflight, older projects and the latest news on manned and unmanned missions.

  • Help promoting philately and especially promote space philately, without interference or moral coercion to the members.
  • Publishing the magazine Cosmos Express
  • Organizing congresses, exhibitions and lectures
  • Tombola between members during monthly meetings
  • Auctions between members
  • Exchange and abo service

Our society has a rich history in astrophilately. We provide subscriptions to all kind of space covers (Europe, ISS, China, Japan, Russia, …) and eventually space (NASA) memorabilia on demand.

Our quarterly magazine Cosmos Express is published as a pdf-file in two languages, Dutch and English.

BFV Cosmos has an engagement to its members to procure all informations and tips needed to build up a nice and good astrophilatelic exhibit, according the Special Regulations and Guidelines for Astrophilately, as presented by F.I.P. (Fédération Internationale de Philatélie).

Board members of BFV Cosmos are active in the Royal Federation of Philatelic Circles in Belgium, the Provincial Philatelic Circles and in F.I.S.A. (Fédération Internationale des Sociétés Aérophilatéliques).

BFV Cosmos provides jury members on astrophilately for local, national and international (F.E.P.A.) exhibitions.

If you want to join us, please have a look a our contact page.
We have more than 45 years of experience in astrophilately !

BFV Cosmos and the FIP Guidelines

Board members of BFV Cosmos worked together with international astrophilatelists as members of S.A.F.A. in preparing the new Regulations and Guidelines for Astrophilately, finally accepted at the F.I.P. Congress in 1985.

These Special Regulations and Guidelines were adapted several times during the last 35 years, with a last adaptation in 2022.

History of BFV Cosmos

BFV Cosmos was founded in December 1971 in Gent on December 19th 1971 after some spaceflight enthousiasts got together and exchanged ideas on collecting space stamps and covers. This new stamp club would unite space philatelists in Belgium and abroad and should provide services to the members and look for their interests.

Presidents of BFV Cosmos

The first President of BFV Cosmos was Willy Vannooten, who suddenly passed away in 1981.
Georges Lauwers becomes the second President of BFV Cosmos until his death on May 15th 2000.
Vice-President Stefan Bruylants becomes the third President of BFV Cosmos from June 2000 up to today.

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© - 2011 - J.P. Esders

ⓒ 2011 - J. Esders


  • In November 1996 BFV Cosmos celebrated its 25th Anniversary with its members and the F.I.S.A. Board in Gent.
  • In 2001, during the International Exhibition Belgica 2001 in Brussels, BFV Cosmos organized a Symposium on Astrophilately with the first reveal of Chinese astrophilatelic covers.
  • In 2003 members of BFV Cosmos had a meeting with the first Belgian astronaut Dirk Frimout at the Observatory in Grimbergen, near Brussels.
  • On June 18th 2010 members of BFV Cosmos attended the honoring ceremony for the second Belgian astronaut Frank De Winne, after his second flight, in Destelbergen /Gent.
  • BFV Cosmos celebrated its* 40th anniversary* on April 17th 2011 in Gent.

ROYAL Belgian Philatelic Society Cosmos

BFV Cosmos was founded in 1971, so after 50 years we became a Royal Society in 2021, but … there was also the Covid-19 pandemic. It took us one more year before we received our official bull from the Governor what made us the official Royal Belgian Philatelic Society Cosmos.

Finally on the 19th February 2023 we had the opportunity to celebrate this 50th anniversary with our members.

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Stamp Shows organised by Cosmos

Astrophilately ... your new hobby ?

You are interested in science, rocketry, the future, expeditions, the planets, our solar system ... astrophilately might be something for you !

All the above subjects are found on stamps and covers, and with your personal research and the help of our members, you can build up a nice collection on the items you are interested in : you will be surprised !

Our quarterly magazine Cosmos Express is full of interesting articles about our hobby, from older projects to updates on the latest manned spaceflight. This bulletin of about 16-20 pages is send to you in Dutch or English, as a pdf-file in full color.

Membership is 35 Euro pro calendar year.

Contact BFV Cosmos or become a member

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